Telluride Balloon Festival
June 3 - 5, 2022
Event, volunteer & sponsor questions?
2019 Major
Weather matters! Balloons are completely dependent on wind speed and direction for all navigation. Wind blowing too fast or in the wrong direction means we may not fly. Also, winds blow at different speeds and in different directions as you get higher off the ground. Although these higher-altitude winds may not be visible from the ground, our pilots have tools to tell them wind conditions at all relevant altitudes. To fly in Telluride, winds at the park and in town must be under 10 mph and blowing from east to west (straight down valley) on the ground and in the air. We fly ONLY when it is safe. Although the event is listed to begin at sunrise, actual launch and flight times may be later.

The Telluride-Mountain Village Gondola begins operation at 6:30a on the days of the event. Depending on the weather, it may be possible to view the balloon launch in Town Park from one of the gondola cars as it travels down the mountain. Because of the variability of the winds and weather, it is impossible to predict this in advance. Event officials in the park decide the exact launch times and sequence. If you want to be certain to see the entire morning event from launch through flight, enjoy the event from Town Park and/or Telluride Main St beginning at sunrise.